This blog is inspired by Felix Jung of 3 years 3 minutes, in which he took a picture a day everyday for 3 years. My goal for this project is to attempt to take at least one picture a day and post a chosen one in the blog. Although this project is art motivated, I'm not necessarily focused on taking exceptional photos but instead meeting my goal. Although I try to have a picture for every single day, real life happens and so sometimes a couple days a week might get skipped, but I try to keep the project on track for as long as possible. I pretty much carry my camera with me everywhere, so a lot of photos are of things I've stumbled upon, places I've been, or things I've seen throughout my day, and this seems to also serve as a way of documenting that.
1 comment:
Mmmm, super size chess? Ah ah ah :)... It's an interesting photo, very creative the images of your page.
Have a nice day! As you imagine...
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